Positive Vibes: A Cardiologist's Blog on Positive Living
Maura Tynan’s Irish Brown Soda Bread
Irish brown soda bread is actually a quite healthy bread when made authentically. It is a good source of whole grains as well as fiber and...
Lessons from the World’s Longest-Lived People
I’m delighted to feature this guest post by Laura J. Arul, MD, of L.J.A. Medical Communications. In my last post, I gave an overview of...
What Are the Blue Zones?
Photo by orva studio on Unsplash I'm delighted to feature this guest post by Laura J. Arul, MD, of L.J.A. Medical Communications....
The Power of Play
Playing with my dogs on a snowy day. “Dogs remind us of a fundamental wisdom that often eludes us in our self-preoccupation. More than...
How Dogs Help Our Hearts
Photo by Keith M. Sturges "The words, 'It's a dog, Martin, not a child,' will probably go with me to my grave. But it seems to me that men...
The Summer Olympics and Positive Living
The 2024 Summer Olympics officially open today, July 26, 2024, in Paris, France. Olympic athletes are awe-inspiring in many ways,...
Eggs to Your Heart’s Delight
There has long raged a debate about whether or not eggs are bad for your cholesterol and bad for your heart. Several recent studies,...
Protecting Your Heart from Extreme Cold
With extreme cold temperatures in the forecast for much of the nation, it's important to remember your heart health as you strategize how...
Is It Okay to Consume Whole-Fat Dairy?
For many years, national and international dietary guidelines have warned against the inclusion of whole-fat dairy products in a healthy...
How to Take Your Blood Pressure Correctly
Photo credit: boxymtech on VisualHunt This post contains affiliate links. Just slap the cuff on and pump it up, right? If that’s what’s...
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