by Yasmine S. Ali, MD | Apr 6, 2024 | Heart-Health News, Speak for the Heart Blog
There has long raged a debate about whether or not eggs are bad for your cholesterol and bad for your heart. Several recent studies, however, have shown that eating eggs—sometimes in large quantities per week—does not contribute to high cholesterol. In fact, an...
by Yasmine S. Ali, MD | Jan 12, 2024 | Heart-Health News, Speak for the Heart Blog
With extreme cold temperatures in the forecast for much of the nation, it’s important to remember your heart health as you strategize how to stay safe and healthy in the cold. The cold weather can pose unique challenges to cardiovascular well-being, requiring us...
by Yasmine S. Ali, MD | Sep 18, 2023 | Heart-Health News, Speak for the Heart Blog
For many years, national and international dietary guidelines have warned against the inclusion of whole-fat dairy products in a healthy diet, advising instead no-fat or low-fat dairy, or no dairy at all. However, evidence has been growing that whole-fat dairy is not...
by Yasmine S. Ali, MD | Sep 15, 2023 | Heart-Health News, Speak for the Heart Blog
Photo credit: boxymtech on VisualHunt This post contains affiliate links. Just slap the cuff on and pump it up, right? If that’s what’s happening at your doctor’s office or at home when your blood pressure is being taken, you may not be getting an accurate reading. In...
by Yasmine S. Ali, MD | Jul 24, 2023 | Heart-Health News, Speak for the Heart Blog
Guest post by Aneesha Dhargalkar, MD We know that stress is everywhere. The good news is that there are many ways for us to have a strong relationship with stress relief and reduction, thereby improving our overall physical well-being. This applies especially to our...
by Yasmine S. Ali, MD | Jul 6, 2023 | Heart-Health News, Speak for the Heart Blog
(This post contains affiliate links.) As a preventive cardiologist, I’m a big fan of the Mediterranean style of eating (really more a lifestyle than a “diet”), which has been shown in study after study to be one of the best ways of eating for heart health, as well as...